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Един инженер умрял.Отишъл при Свети Петър. Цял ден чакал на опашка, за да получи разпределение, но накрая ангелчето го насочили към ада. Минало време, започнали незапомнени жеги. Свети Петър си помислил:
"Тук в Рая не се диша от горещина. А какво ли е в Ада? Я да ида да проверя?"
Отишъл той в ада и какво да види? Прохладно, подухва ветрец, изобщо рай... Попитал дявола каква е тази работа,и той му отговорил :
- Абе, нали ми изпрати един инженер миналия месец, та ми сложи климатик.
- Дай го този инженер насам - казал св.Петър - горе в Рая не се живее от горещина!
- Ааааа,не! - отговорил дявола - щом си го изпуснал един път, сърди се на себе си.
- Ще те съдя - разгорещил се свети Петър.
- Кого ще съдиш, бе? Нали всички адвокати са при мен?
botevgrad.com - (25.02.15)* * * * * (5)коментирай (2986)


Guest, 16.10.2023, 21:14:54 (преди 1 година)
Give your gift card to a customer service rep or cashier and ask them to determine the balance on the present card. They should be in a position to scan your card and let you know what the amount of balance is.























Guest, 17.10.2023, 13:51:10 (преди 1 година)
Despite the fact that Coinbase is a helpful application for some individuals, some should erase their records for different reasons.


Guest, 17.10.2023, 18:09:45 (преди 1 година)
The Solana blockchain is one of the hottest new networks and it competes with Ethereum. All major networks require a safe and reliable wallet to boost adoption. In Solana’s case, that is https://phantom-wallett.net/ Used for swapping tokens directly from the wallet’s interface, the Phantom wallet also allows users to stake SOL and hold Solana NFTs. Here’s everything you need to know about Phantom wallet.
Guest, 18.10.2023, 09:56:56 (преди 1 година)
LOBSTR is a great way to get started with Stellar crypto. Available as web, Android and iOS apps. Nice design, simple interface, ZERO fees, FAST transactions, live XLM price, beautiful charts and a lot more!


Cash App is a peer-to-peer (P2P) payment app that helps you to send or receive money quickly. In Cash App you can also invest money but it is not a bank, it is a financial platform. Create an account with Cashapp Login.

Guest, 18.10.2023, 11:39:14 (преди 1 година)
SafePal Wallet we can say that it is far different from the traditional crypto wallets where the wallet is present either in the hardware form or the software form

Guest, 18.10.2023, 12:17:57 (преди 1 година)


LOBSTR is a great way to get started with Stellar crypto. Available as web, Android and iOS apps.
Guest, 19.10.2023, 04:17:05 (преди 1 година)
Uusexdoll supplies with you various kinds of Asian sex dolls, which are popular and hot sales. What’s important is that we supply top-quality TPE love dolls from famous manufacturers. Our sex dolls will dutifully be dedicated to serving you all her life with her tight pussy&anus, slim body, and smallmouth. We have all the dolls you are looking for, come and take her home.https://www.uusexdoll.com/japanese-asian-sex-dolls/
Guest, 19.10.2023, 19:45:23 (преди 1 година)
Bittrex login is a straightforward process that allows you to access a world of cryptocurrency opportunities. By following the steps mentioned in this guide, you can securely log in to your Bittrex account and begin your cryptocurrency trading journey.The first step towards Bittrex login is creating an account. To do so, visit the official Bittrex website.


Guest, 21.10.2023, 11:25:05 (преди 1 година)
You can check the balance of your Target gift card by calling 1-800-544-2943 to hear the details of your last five transactions. Checking Online. https://sites.google.com/view/checktargetvisagiftcardbalance/
Guest, 21.10.2023, 11:25:14 (преди 1 година)
You can check the balance of your Target gift card by calling 1-800-544-2943 to hear the details of your last five transactions. Checking Online. https://sites.google.com/view/checktargetvisagiftcardbalance/
Guest, 21.10.2023, 12:39:41 (преди 1 година)
The Frame Wallet also has a social media account, especially for young traders who are constantly on their social media. So, teenagers who are too lazy to check the official website of Frame to stay updated on their wallets should follow its social media handles.


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