Кметът на общината Георги Георгиев предложи на извънредната сесия днес кафе-сладкарницата в новия спортно-тренировъчен център „Балкан” да бъде отдадена под наем чрез търг с тайно наддаване. Обектът представлява обособена част от ледената пързалка. Той е с площ от 35 кв.м. Определената първоначална тръжна цена на кафе-сладкарницата е 140 лева.
Съветницте подкрепиха предложението на градоначалника. В гласуването не участваха зам.-председателят на ОбС Йорданка Лалчева и съветничката Цеца Христова. Вероятно те имат намерение да участват в търга. Преди гласуването Цеца Христова изрази мнение, че първоначалната тръжна цена на обекта е много ниска. Кметът Георгиев подчерта, че тя е изчислена по реда на Наредбата за определяне на наемни цени на общински имоти.
46 човека вече изразиха своето мнение - споделете вашето!
Източник: botevgrad.com
Посещения: 5929
Дата: 18.04.2011, 21:01
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People that I can achieve their goals and envy and jealousy is very ugly though every day we find it hidden in people. Let me breathe dust evil tongues, and you drive forward and turn around and step back do not take things very seriously, although inwardly I was sick because people can not have what you have you can only dream about and envy these people who write and speak bad things they just want to make you feel uncomfortable and they tend to break to feel uneasy. I want to inspire in you a small spark of desire to be strong and to know that people's mouths can not close them down, and when you think of this man is - strong and continues with all forces forward without paying attention to such people
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You are very good and has anyone that loves me and your people are constantly with you so fuck them only to those who envy and think bad about people they will never be accepted by society and always will be rejected. Be strong and courageous do not care what you write and speak for you because g and I was so before but now I'm not because I fight evil and people do not take criticism seriously important thing is that there is someone to sing their loves her Whistle and keep in the same way in - you're on without despair and lose hope in vain with the thought that someone insulted and despised by jealousy and anger can only make them regret that they have no brains and despise people because they are fighting and achieving goals has they can.
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Be yourself and know that we love you respect and honor of this that strikes every day. I know I'll pay attention and will not accept criticism very seriously and would not you care of them because they know people who know they are not such as they take to ignore them and you sing. : D: D: D
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And here I want to appeal to all who knew Yordanka Lalchev and love her a lot to vote for her and know that good people can be seen, but the bad will always be hatred among the people. Danny does not give a damn about people's opinion of these people just because you made foot and they want to stumble miscreants fuck tell them.
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Vote let wins best - Mrs. Yordanka Lalchev because it is natural and very friendly people although they do not love it and respect it at all so friendly. I believe that now is the time to show how much respect it when you need us for when we need her she is always beside us, so let us now and we shall be with her and to help by giving your vote for her.
With the most sincere and friendly greetings to win Yordanka Lalchev which is number 1 and always will be: Kostadin Kotcheff Sofia : D |
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Well you have done with the English, but Lalchev mayor and son will not understand!
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Моля, спазвайте добрия тон и не използвайте нецензурни и обидни изрази!
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